$39,500 BoxOffice 8.0 IS FULLY LOADED!
We're now including these Add-Ons with every BoxOffice!

Bluetooth Wall Speakers

Lighting Package

Saddle Stool

Digital Lock Set
Pre-order & Delivery Schedule
Pre-orders are now being accepted for April 2023 deliveries. Completion times are always changing, but are generally 4-6 weeks. Scheduled delivery dates will be prioritized in order of deposit dates (see Payment Schedule). Crane delivery only - on-site assembly option is not available at this time. Contact us to assess your property for crane access, and advice on placement and site preparation details.
Payment Schedule
Pre-orders for April 2023 delivery can be currently secured by a fully refundable deposit of $2500, and will be scheduled to build on a first come/first served basis. A non-refundable deposit of $15,000 is due upon start of build. 50% of the remaining balance will be due 30 days later. The final payment of the remaining balance will be due to secure an installation/crane delivery date.